(English version click here)

  1. Segala keputusan panitia adalah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Panitia juga berhak melakukan perubahan-perubahan regulasi apabila diperlukan.
  2. Seluruh peserta akan dimasukkan dalam grup komunikasi WhatsApp untuk berkomunikasi dengan panitia dan peserta lain selama event berlangsung.
  3. Peserta wajib selalu mengenakan helm, memasang bike number/nomor sepeda di tempat yang sudah ditetapkan, serta mengenakan Cycling Performance T-Shirt yang disediakan oleh panitia sepanjang perjalanan. Peserta juga wajib membawa kartu identitas selama perjalanan.
  4. Peserta wajib berhenti di titik checkpoint yang sudah ditentukan. Peserta akan melaporkan diri di checkpoint tersebut, mengikuti beberapa program tambahan (disampaikan menjelang event). Semua bukti validasi harus bisa ditunjukkan di saat mencapai finish.
  5. Pada dasarnya JOURNEY TO TGX 2024 bersifat self-supported alias mandiri.
    1. Kebutuhan makanan, minuman, navigasi, KEAMANAN, KESELAMATAN, KESEHATAN, dan akomodasi sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
    2. Seluruh kebutuhan peserta harus dibawa sendiri di atas sepeda. Seperti pakaian, perlengkapan, konsumsi, dan lain-lain. Tentu bila memerlukan bisa membeli di berbagai unit usaha di sepanjang perjalanan.\
    3. Tidak boleh ada support seperti mobil/motor pengawal, pacer, atau fotografer/media selain yang sudah disiapkan panitia.
    4. Panitia hanya menyediakan bantuan konsumsi dan teknis/mekanik di checkpoint yang sudah ditetapkan.
    5. Apabila peserta keluar dari jalur/rute yang sudah ditentukan, maka untuk melanjutkan event, peserta harus kembali ke titik/lokasi/kilometer tempat dia kali pertama keluar dari jalur. Dan harus memberitahukan via grup WA alasan kenapa keluar dari jalur.
  6. Peserta wajib menggunakan sepeda yang bergerak maju menggunakan tenaga sendiri.
    1. Dilarang menggunakan e-bike.
    2. Wajib menggunakan rem depan dan belakang.
    3. Wajib bawa lampu depan terang (2) dan lampu belakang merah (2). Saat gelap wajib menyalakan minimal satu depan satu belakang.
    4. Wajib selalu menggunakan heart rate monitor dan cadence sensor.
    5. Wajib memasang/menggunakan reflektor yang disediakan panitia.
    6. Wajib membawa ban dalam cadangan.
    7. Wajib membawa toolkit.
  7. Peserta wajib menggunakan bike computer dengan GPS untuk kebutuhan navigasi. Peserta harus menyimpan bukti bersepeda (file GPS, Strava) dan menyerahkannya apabila diminta. Peserta juga wajib selalu membawa handphone/telepon seluler dengan aplikasi WhatsApp untuk kebutuhan komunikasi dengan panitia/sesama peserta selama event berlangsung.
  8. Panitia akan memproses/menyelidiki segala potensi pelanggaran, baik melalui laporan pihak luar, sesama peserta, maupun hasil pemantauan panitia sendiri. Panitia berhak memberikan sanksi dan mendiskualifikasi peserta sesuai keputusan panitia sendiri, dan keputusan panitia itu tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  9. Batas waktu bersepeda atau Cut Off Time peserta akan di tentukan setelah simulasi resmi.
  10. Peserta wajib memiliki asuransi yang berlaku selama penyelenggaraan event. Panitia memberikan tambahan fasilitas asuransi bagi peserta yang mendaftar.
  11. Peserta wajib mencantumkan nomor kontak darurat saat pendaftaran.
  12. Jika peserta tidak hadir dalam kegiatan, penyelenggara / organizer tidak akan melakukan pengembalian uang pendaftaran peserta.



  1. JOURNEY TO TGX 2024 terbuka untuk Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) maupun Warga Negara Asing.
  2. Peserta wajib berusia minimal 17 tahun ketika mendaftar atau wajib menyertakan surat keterangan dari orang tua download disini terkait kepesertaan jika usia masih di bawah 17 tahun dan dinyatakan sehat untuk mengikuti rangkaian kegiatan serta tidak punya masalah medis apapun yang dapat mempengaruhi partisipasi pada kegiatan JOURNEY TO TGX 2024.
  3. Peserta disarankan sudah memiliki pengalaman bersepeda cukup. Seperti pernah mengikuti event-event bersepeda, berpengalaman bersepeda jarak jauh, dan memiliki kemampuan dasar teknis mengatasi masalah bersepeda.
  4. Peserta wajib mengisi surat persetujuan keikutsertaan. Download
  5. Membayar biaya pendaftaran Rp. 600.000,- per orang. 
  6. Dengan mendaftarkan diri, peserta mendapatkan:
    1. Satu (1) Cycling Performance T-Shirt dari SUB Jersey (wajib digunakan saat event).
    2. Bike number untuk dipasang di depan sepeda (wajib terlihat).
    3. Reflektor mainsepeda
    4. Asuransi tambahan.
    5. Support saat di checkpoint yang ditentukan.
    6. Finisher Trophy bagi yang menuntaskan rute sesuai aturan/cut off time.
    7. Lain-lain dari sponsor/partner.
  7. Peserta wajib menunjukkan surat keterangan sehat ketika melakukan pengambilan starter kit.
  8. Kontak informasi. Peserta dapat menghubungi nomor WA penyelenggara / organizer di 081 222 8080 35.



Race Pack Collection tanggal 13 Desember 2024 di Area sekitar Wdnsdy Café Sutos Indonesia  mulai pukul 10.00 WIB hingga 21.00 WIB. Syarat pengambilan Paket Lomba / Race Pack Collection :

  1. Peserta wajib datang sendiri ketika melakukan pengambilan paket lomba / race pack. Tidak boleh diwakilkan.
  2. Peserta wajib menunjukkan identitas diri (KTP/Paspor). Peserta wajib menyerahkan lembar Final Statement yang sudah di emailkan oleh panitia atau menujukan aplikasi mainsepeda yg sudah login menggunakan email yg sudah didaftarkan.
  3. Lembar Surat Persetujuan Peserta (wajib di cetak) (link download surat persetujuan)



  1. Siapkan aplikasi mainsepeda yang sudah login menggunakan email yang terdaftar, KTP atau Paspor (bisa cetak atau digital) dan surat persetujuan peserta (wajib cetak dan di tandangani) yang telah dikirimkan oleh penyelenggara melalui email
  2. Ambil nomor antrian di meja nomor antrian
  3. Menunggu pemanggilan nomor antrian
  4. Menyerahkan nomor antrian, dan surat persetujuan peserta di meja pengambilan race pack. Pastikan barang yang diterima sesuai dengan data yang berada di final statement atau aplikasi mainsepeda.

Note : Apabila nomor antrian sudah di panggil tiga kali dan peserta tidak hadir di meja race pack maka nomor antrian di anggap tidak berlaku dan peserta harus mengambil nomor antrian ulang.




  1. All decisions of the committee are absolute and cannot be contested. The committee also has the right to make regulatory changes if necessary.
  2. All participants will be invited to official WhatsApp group as the official communication channel with the committee and other participants during the event.
  3. Participants must always wear cycling helmet, install bike number in a designated place, and wear Cycling Performance T-Shirt provided throughout the trip. Participants must also bring an original ID (National ID card, Driving License, Passport, or Temporary Stay Permit) during the trip.
  4. Participants must stop at designated checkpoint. Participants will report at the checkpoint, taking part in additional programs (announced ahead of the event). All proof of validation must be show when reach the finish line.
  5. Journey to TGX 2024 is self-supporting cycling event.
    1. Foods, beverages, navigation, security, safety, personal health, and accommodation are the sole responsibility of the participant.
    2. Participants must bring all their needs on the bike. Such as clothing, equipment, foods, drinks, and others. Participants can buy goods at various business units along the way if needed.
    3. There should be no personal support such as escort cars/motorcycles, pacers, or photographers/media other than those prepared by the committee.
    4. The committee only provides foods, drinks, and technical/mechanical help at designated checkpoint.
    5. If the participant exits of the determined route, then the participant must return to the point/location/kilometer where he first exited the route to continue the event. And must report the off-track reasons via determined WhatsApp group.
  6. Participants must use bicycles that move forward using their own power.
    1. E-bikes are prohibited.
    2. Must use front and rear brakes.
    3. Must bring bright two headlights and two red taillights. Turn the lights on at least one front and one back when it is dark.
    4. Always use heart rate monitor and cadence sensor.
    5. Must use/install the reflector provided by the committee.
    6. Must bring spare tires.
    7. Must bring personal toolkits.
  7. Participants must use a bike computer with GPS for navigation needs. Participants must keep proof of cycling trip (GPS file or Strava) and will ask to submit it. Participants must always bring mobile phone with WhatsApp mobile app for official communication channel with the committee or participants during the event.
  8. The committee will investigate all potential violations, either from external reports, fellow participants, or the committee's own monitoring. The committee has the right to decide to sanction and disqualify participants and the decision cannot be contested.
  9. Cycling time limit or event Cut Off Time will be determined after the official route simulation.
  10. Participants must have valid insurance during the event. The committee provides additional insurance facilities for all registered participants.
  11. Participants must register an emergency contact number.
  12. No refund policy for participant who does not attend the event.



  1. Journey to TGX 2024 is open to Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and foreigner.
  2. Participants must be at least 17 years old when registering or must include a certificate from parents download here regarding participation if they are under 17 years old and are declared healthy to take part in the series of activities and do not have any medical problems that can affect participation in JOURNEY TO TGX 2024 activities.
  3. Participants are recommended to have enough cycling experience. Such as having taken part in cycling events, experienced in long-distance cycling, and having basic technical skills to overcome cycling problems.
  4. Participants must fill out a participation approval letter. Download here
  5. Pay registration fee of Rp. 600,000 (six hundred thousand Rupiah) per person.
  6. By registering, participants will get:
    1. Cycling Performance T-Shirt from SUB Jersey (mandatory for use during the event).
    2. Bike number to be installed in front of the bike (must be visible).
    3. Mainsepeda reflector.
    4. Additional insurance.
    5. Supported facilities at designated checkpoint.
    6. Finisher Trophy for those who complete the route according to the rules and under cut off time.
    7. Other products from sponsors and partners.
  7. Participants must show certificate of health when pick up race pack.
  8. The organizer official WhatsApp contact +6281 222 8080 35.



Race Pack Collection will be on Friday, December 13th, 2024, at Wdnsdy Café Town Square Surabaya, Indonesia from 10.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB. All participants are required to:

  1. Attend by themselves to collect the race pack. It cannot be delegated.
  2. Show their original ID (National ID card, Driving License, Passport, or Temporary Stay Permit). Participants must show Final Statement sheet emailed by the committee or refer to the Mainsepeda mobile app and login using registered email.
  3. Participant Approval Letter (must be printed). (link to download the approval letter)



  1. Prepare Mainsepeda mobile app and login using registered email. Prepare original ID card or passport (can be printed or digital) and Participant Approval Letter (must be printed and signed) that emailed by the organizer.
  2. Take the queue number at the queue number table.
  3. Waiting for a queue number called.
  4. Show the queue number and Participant Approval Letter at the reception table. Make sure the goods received are correct and complete as in the final statement.

Note: If the queue number has been called three times and the participant is not present, the queue number is considered invalid, and the participant must take another queue number.